Yingyan Huang est communication designer. Elle est née à Singapour, a grandi à Shanghai, et s’est installée à New York. Elle a mis son inventivité esthétique au service d’une sorte de synopse réinventée, qu’elle a nommée « A single story – The Bible through the lens of 250 events« . [Une histoire unique – La Bible à la lumière de 250 événements].

YINGYAN Huang - A Single Story 01

Le but est d’illustrer la continuité de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament en connectant les références textuelles entre elles. Il en résulte un travail d’une grande minutie, à la fois beau et intelligible, duquel surgit la stupéfiante cohérence des Écritures autour de la figure du Christ.

YINGYAN Huang - A Single Story 02

Le code graphique [points bleus, oranges, etc.] mentionne les références textuelles de chaque événement et les met en lien avec chaque occurence d’une alliance entre Dieu et l’Homme.

YINGYAN Huang - A Single Story 03

[Traduction à venir]
“I chose the Bible because it is an unparalleled piece of historical narrative and literature,” Yingyan explains. “The Bible consists of two distinct yet unified collections of literary and historical text, the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament contains thirty-nine books that were written over a period of one thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament twenty-seven books that were written after Christ’s death. Although authored by dozens of individuals over several centuries, the Bible is both consistent and coherent in its message. It tells a single story about Jesus Christ, the central figure of the New Testament and the fulfiller of Old Testament prophecies and covenants. The first four books of the New Testament, the Gospels, recount 250 events about his life, death, and resurrection. Distilling an array of thematic references that connect all books of the Bible reveals a harmonious bond between the books of the Bible and these 250 events. By mapping the 250 events in a chronological clockwise order and the books of the Bible in concentric rings, this information visualization scores the books of the Bible against the 250 events to reveal each book’s connection to each event. On the map, an orange ring indicates a Gospel’s direct record of a specific event. A blue dot indicates that the book references the event, while an orange dot highlights that the book references covenants God makes with man. Collectively these dots illustrate Christ’s centrality, linking the contents of the Bible as a whole.”

 YINGYAN Huang - A Single Story 04

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Sources :
Le site de Yingyan Huang >>>
Un interview du designer dans OpenBible >>>
Un article dans Culture Push >>>

[Edit : Yingyan Huang est une femme, et non un homme comme je le croyais. Merci aux lecteurs attentifs !]